Catiitude was originally created during Global Game Jam and is an exploration game where you play your average destructive cat. Players cause mayhem within the levels by breaking things, making a mess, and earning points.
Working on Catiitude with a small team, in a short time provided an amazing experience. We developed a short playable platformer, with fun mechanics, and we were able to learn the essentials of quickly iterating through ideas and finding the fun.
The satirical project aimed at letting players quickly learn controls and game play mechanics, to have a quick but fun experience playing Catiitude. The original iteration was slightly buggy because of the rushed development, so since that time I’ve been updating and refactoring code as well as working towards creating a port for Android.
Art - UI & Sprites created using ASEpriter & Photoshop
Game Design & Character designs
Programming - Unity
Android Port
Project functionality updates
New UI Implementation